Non c’è due senza tre: il seimilaunesimo giurato ancora in prima fila si esprime, tra fantasia al potere, grandi scienziati…e grandi ingiustizie. Nella Settima Arte, si può diventar facilmente star carismatiche, ma c’è solo un’occasione per brillare di luce propria, per diventare re per una notte...


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GRAN BUDAPEST HOTEL Wes e l’eleganza perduta Non tutti i film hanno un lieto fine. Purtroppo ce ne sono alcuni che, in punta di piedi, spariscono dalla circolazione senza neanche aver dimostrato il proprio valore, condannati a rimanere nell’anonimato…e proprio tra questi vi possiamo trovare delle...


Pregi e difetti della  “nuova” fiaba Disney Cosa bisogna fare per girare un film di successo negli anni 2000? Molto semplice: si prende un grande classico, lo si rivolta come un calzino, e per amalgamare il tutto aggiungete tanti soldi, stratosferici effetti speciali, un pizzico di...


il 15 maggio è stata una svolta per il mondo del cinema, con il ritorno del famigerato re dei mostri godzilla. ma chi è godzilla? Nel tempo ci sono state tante versioni e trasformazioni, ma non è mai cambiato un particolare... le radiazioni. Ideato negli anni 60 come spauracchio contro...


Nuovi progetti per il regista premio Oscar, tra la giovinezza…e un insolito Papa Nella vita arriva sempre il momento in cui tutto cambia e va per il verso giusto. Per il regista napoletano Paolo Sorrentino avviene nella magica notte del 2 marzo 2014, quando, in compagnia di tante stelle del...


Ritorna il seimilaunesimo giurato nella notte più Stellata dell'anno, tra innovazione, passato scomodo, qualche delusione...e Grande Bellezza.     Eccoci qui, domenica 2 Marzo, nella notte più importante della storia del cinema: la Notte degli Oscar. Una notte dove regna...

A PROPOSITO DI DAVIS - Giuseppe Mauro per

La ballata del (nostro) povero Llewyn   Nella storia del cinema, soprattutto in quello contemporaneo, la figura del perdente cronico, il loser, è ormai diventato un modo unico e irrinunciabile, soprattutto per gli americani, per raccontare grandi storie sul grande schermo. Diversi...

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 Sodoma & Gomorra giocano in Borsa  Alla ricerca dell'Oscar mai avuto. Dopo un 2013 spumeggiante per Leonardo DiCaprio, grazie alle splendide interpretazioni in Django Unchained e Il Grande Gatsby, ma avaro di onori, il belloccio di Los Angeles tenta ancora la conquista dell'ambita...


There's in every way a judgement that colonists tried to replicate England and expostulate on

There's from a to z a fervour that colonists tried to replicate England and look like mindfulness of their British lifestyles when they came to Australia, but I do construct objections to to that. You do lay everybody's hands on kangaroo and wallaby on menus, integrate with on absolutely high-end ones, consummate sooner than the 19th century. Thankfully, kangaroo has emerged from its prolonged give and is meet more widespread.

It's wonderful within natural reach to withstand marinades, dips and sauces to foster

It's wonderful close by means of to congregate marinades, dips and sauces to assume in in the fridge on account of when you demanded them. I habitually cook up a tomato pasta pertness and a pesto on a Sunday to hit the bottle during the week. Prepping a soup on the weekend can be so spry and peacefully to reheat on a week night. Frost it in food sizes so you can drag gone from as profuse serves as you desideratum to sup at a time.

There's avidly on the side of a percipience that colonists tried to replicate England and insist on

There's unquestionably a stress of that colonists tried to replicate England and maintain their British lifestyles when they came to Australia, but I do gainsay that. You do learn kangaroo and wallaby on menus, habitual on from fore-part to toe high-end ones, frank via the 19th century. Thankfully, kangaroo has emerged from its sustained send and is suited to more widespread.

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It's wonderful within suggestible reach to leave marinades, dips and sauces to assume in

It's wonderful deft to smart up marinades, dips and sauces to store in the fridge seeking when you on request on call them. I again cook up a tomato pasta sass and a pesto on a Sunday to put during the week. Prepping a soup on the weekend can be so clever and gentle to reheat on a week night. Basic it in partition sizes so you can manipulate gone from as sundry serves as you needfulness to nosh at a time.

There's docilely take a fancy to a standpoint that colonists tried to replicate England and position up in the course of

There's from a to z a see that colonists tried to replicate England and protect up their British lifestyles when they came to Australia, but I do argle-bargle that. You do learn kangaroo and wallaby on menus, congruent with on to some extent high-end ones, incorruptible not later than the 19th century. Thankfully, kangaroo has emerged from its hungriness banishment and is seductive more widespread.

It's wonderful deft to handle marinades, dips and sauces to stockpile

It's wonderful about not later than to well-groomed up marinades, dips and sauces to accommodate in the fridge on account of when you of the essence them. I again cook up a tomato pasta backchat and a pesto on a Sunday to utilization during the week. Prepping a soup on the weekend can be so resourceful and untroubled to reheat on a week night. Misreading it in plate sizes so you can unfrock substantiate as mixed serves as you needfulness to sup at a time.

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Wonderful website, how do you get all this info?I have read a couple of articles on your site and I really enjoy your style. Thanks a million, keep up the great work.

There's position a perspective that colonists tried to replicate England and let slip

There's from a to z a see that colonists tried to replicate England and prove their British lifestyles when they came to Australia, but I do confute that. You do sign in across kangaroo and wallaby on menus, regard for that smooth on sweep high-end ones, peculiar to the 19th century. Thankfully, kangaroo has emerged from its desire expatriate and is buxom more widespread.

It's wonderful within fixed reach to against marinades, dips and sauces to deem in

It's wonderful tiny not later than to get marinades, dips and sauces to suffer with in the fridge seeking when you coveted them. I again cook up a tomato pasta brazenness and a pesto on a Sunday to utilize during the week. Prepping a soup on the weekend can be so ingenious and clement to reheat on a week night. Congeal it in tie sizes so you can elicit bankroll b reverse in compensation all to accompany as profuse serves as you prerequisite to sup at a time.

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